Pet Stains and Odor Removal

Here at Extreme Clean Professional Carpet Care we know how much you love your pets. Any pet owner knows, though, that when you have pets you’re going to have pet stains and possible odor problems. Even the most well-behaved pet can have an accident and, unless the problem is addressed, further damage to your flooring can take place. In severe cases, the pet urine can soak through the carpet, and into the pad. It may even soak into the floor and tack strips. This is why you may have odor problems even if you’ve removed the carpet stain.
About 75% of our customers are pet owners so its inevitable that we run into pee problems every day. Treating pet urine issues is done on a case by case basis. There are many factors that go into urine cleaning that include: animal size, age, breed, diet and illnesses such as kidney problems. If you have a new puppy or small toy dog then the urine is mostly likely on the surface and clean up is relatively easy. We can get most urine out of a carpet with just a standard carpet cleaning. Now big dogs are a different story, big bladders mean big problems. If a large dog empties its bladder on one area of a carpet then it mostly soaked into the pad. This requires a deep cleaning treatment.
But no matter the degree of stain and odor problems, Extreme Clean Professional Carpet Care has the most effective pet odor removal process available. And remember, we use 100% green, pet and child safe, cleaning products.